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First Flights?

WindFoiling can be a bit intimidating when you are used to "fin" surfing. Will you crash hard from way up there in the air? Will you...

What a season finale !

5 days of wind, sun and WindFoiling rounded out the Silver Foilers 21 season. We could have had more wind some of the days, but not more...

SilverFoilers Spring Camp @Saltnes

We planned for 5 days of foiling camp this winter... How could we know we would have 4 perfectly windy foiling days? JoJo, Carl Peter,...

ONE board to rule them all?

For the 2020 season we think ONE (foilable) board is all we really need. And three sails, two masts and a boom. (Mine are 6,7 - 5,3 and...

We're here to fly. And turn!

The best part of Windsurfing is speed! That pure adrenalin rush when it is going faster than you dare go. I've been there. Working to get...

Why #SilverFoilers NOW?

The Virus may take away Skiing, Hockey and Soccer, but (hopefully...) not WindFoiling. When most news is about virus death and...

The SilverFoilers #Challenge?

You knew how to Windsurf once. Now your hair is gone. Or gone Silver? If you Windsurfed before, you can learn WindFoiling. You can become...

Blog: Blog2
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